Monday, September 28, 2009

Vintage Babyyy


Okiesss, i took the day off school and I'm eating cookie dough.. yummm :) ! Totally random, but anyways.. This week's totally fab item is; ACID WASH JEANS!PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

I'm so completely in love with them! The only thing is.. it's kind of hard to wear them completly casual just 'cause it's hard to see them paired with anything other than heels. I cold see 'em with gladiator sandals but what about in the winter?.. to something like school??? Hmmm, i dunno. you tell me.. how would you wear your acid wash jeans in the winter to a casual function?

Yours Truly
-Lynni Pretty♥*

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Missed Me?

It's been a little while, but let's keep it real.. your girl gets a little lazy sometimes! Of course.. I've been shopping in the mean time and all i have is two words to say; American Apparel! One pay check is gone... and another portion of my closet is clustered. It was totally worth it though and i wish i could show you guys my hot-buys but homegirl lost her USB chord! HOWEVER, there was one thing i never got to buy and i'm pretty damn furious! It was the black Gloria-V Bodysuit that you might have seen Angela Simmons wearing. If you don't know what I'm talking about.. go see;CLiCK. I have a couple questions for Mr.Canada..

Dear Mr. Canada,
. Why did all 3 American Apparels i went to, not have MY(that's right.. its MINE!)Gloria-V Bodysuit? Why is it that every time I want to splurge on something useful, u have to hold me back? How come Mr.America is able to supply his country with them, but u failed to do so? Why did you make me get my hopes up... just to tear them outta my system and use them to wipe the maple syrup drops off your kitchen floor? Next time you do something like this, there's gonna be a problem!

Yours Truly
-Lynni Pretty♥*

P.S. I hope you reply, Mr.Canada...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cute Classy Royal!



I really love this skirt! There's something about the fabric that can just catch your eye. It says I'm cute, classy, and royal all in the same statement. Accessorize with some gold pumps, or any of the colors in the skirt. It could be a casual look when it's paired with a tank top and sleeveless cardigan with some gladiator sandals. It can also be a cocktail look with the black version of the dress shirt in the picture. Play it up, play it down; either way, you can't go wrong!

Yours Truly
-Lynni Pretty♥*

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hola Fashionistas!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Eastlyn ; E.Glam Lynni Pretty. I'm young, bubbly, and something like a glamor fiend :) ! I love everything regarding health, beauty, and fashion. When it comes to health, talk show hosts Oprah, Tyra Banks, and Rachel Ray never fail to keep me updated. I seem to find beauty tips and influences everyday and nearly every place I go. Let's talk fashion now: I L♥VE Cassie Ventura and Robyn Rihanna Fenty. Anything that shines, can emphasize a dainty waist, and be spotted from a distance, I WANT! I'm completely obsessed with accessories, mainly high heels and purses. One day i see myself owning a hot heels and purse store in Hollywood. Overall my complete inspiration for beauty, fashion, and glamor in general is.. drum role pleasssee..... Barbie!* I mean, I realize that she's a fictitious character and all, but let's keep it real; she's a boss-lady when it comes to glamor! She owns the sweetest house on the block, married to cutest model dude, drives the hottest convertible, and has a gorgeous entourage. You can't really blame the kid for loving her! That's it for now but keep posted for the latest jibber-jabber on fashion, health, beauty and GLAMOR!

Yours Truly,
Lynni Pretty.♥*

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